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When There is No "Plan B"

Dawn Gould

I think most of us do life with a “Plan B” in our hip pocket. We always have that back up plan for when things fall apart. But what do we do when we have no Plan B? I can’t help think that the children of Israel were wondering about this when they came up against the Red Sea with their enemies on their heels. There had been plague after plague and yet a plan, but the Red Sea was now ahead of them and their were no life boats in sight...“’No Plan B” that they knew of initially. Have you ever been backed up against the wall? You have exhausted all your resources and you can’t see a way through your trial? It is hard spot to stand in as people of faith, because what we proclaim so effortlessly when we are doing well, is so terribly difficult to live out when we are trapped, without hope and without vision. Yet, these are the times when our faith really is faith and these are the moments we have the eyes of many watching us. It is these times that the words of Hebrews 11 are personified, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. To the Israelites credit they are listed In this same passage, “By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land;” Hebrews 11:29 I love that Moses had developed a habit of persevering because he saw him who is invisible.” Hebrews 11:27. It is did not come naturally to him, but day after day he pursued God and day after day God became increasingly more visible to him, even in the most dire of circumstances. The lesson for me is that I shouldn’t expect to be a steady saint that is unflappable when I hit super tough circumstances, if I haven’t done the diligent work of sitting with God day after day, week after week getting to know Him and His character. Undoubtedly it will still be tough, but I won’t have to fret under the faulty delusion that somehow I am holding things together or that my burdens rest on me. For this we have Jesus. '

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Mt. Gilead is a Christian camp and conference center in northern California that was founded by InFaith Missionary Dwight Jungkeit in 1963. Since its founding, Mt. Gilead has continued with its core mission to support the local Christian church and share the hope found in Jesus Christ with our campers that attend our programs.  In addition, we rent our facilities to churches and other Christian organizations and host summer camps for children from 1st-12th grades. Throughout the year, we offer adult programming which includes women’s retreat as well as special day events such as Easter Sunrise Service, Gilead Day and Harvest Festival.

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