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Meet Nicole

Mae Breazeale

We welcome you to our executive chef and kitchen services manager, Nicole Feavel! Nicole studied at Bauman College in their Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts program, completing a certificate as a Therapeutic and Private Chef. She has been out at Gilead since 2017, starting on the summer leadership team then later promoted to kitchen manager.

How has Mt. Gilead impacted you?

“After being in ministry a long time, through inner city ministry & interacting with human trafficking survivors, coming here has been a different form of environment. It has become a place of healing, a place where the Spirit of God resides, and an atmosphere of wholeness. It is refreshing and fulfilling to step out from one role into another, being able to use the same gifting and passions, and to bring the gospel, engage in discipleship, mentoring, and creating a beautiful atmosphere. Mt. Gilead has fed my soul, encouraged me, grown me in a whole new level of leadership as a woman and sister and daughter of God, and has daily expanded me into more of Him. I continue to know the fullness of Him.”

How do you incorporate your faith with your work? In other words, where is God in your work?

“I have been learning that walking in God is a practical thing, and faith is not separate from daily life. Several years ago, God challenged me on how I see my faith, and instead of having the big ideas and saving the world, it is simply walking with Him every day, in the daily moments, being attentive and partnering with Him in daily life. That might be cooking a tasty meal for a guest group or washing dishes and engaging in conversation with others while working. It also looks like engaging with guest groups, asking how we can pray for them, stopping in crazy moments to ask for prayer, looking into the health needs for campers and going in deep and low and serving them. We interact in kindness and grace and patience. God in my faith is one in the same, it’s not separate. God is my life. He fills, and He should be filling. My work and private life are not separate, it is surrendered completely to God, and I become one with His heartbeat every single day, and to continue challenging others around me.”

What do you enjoy at Mt. Gilead?

“When I had just fixed a meal that I worked hard over in the spirit of God, to get flavors just right and produce a high quality taste, and seeing the group being so satisfied by the food, which then leads over to becoming still and reflective over coffee or a bible study or simple conversation. Activity wise, hiking trails. Inspiration point is my favorite place. The zip line is my favorite as well!

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